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Durham College - Main Campus

Replacement of Existing Camera System

With a bustling campus filled with thousands of students each day, work was scheduled so it would not interfere with daily operations. After hours work was also part of this job.  There were approximately 128 cameras on their main campus system which made organization absolutely paramount on this project. Detailed notes and labelling of cables were made each day while the techs were working to ensure nothing was out of order.  We were careful to minimize camera outages during the duration of this project.


Most of the existing cabling was coaxial so new DVR systems were installed to accommodate; 4 DVR's in total.  All 128 cameras were checked for power before being replaced. If no power was detected, new power requirements were installed. After all equipment was replaced, the cabling in the rack needed a tidy. Unused cables were removed, cables were disconnected and re-routed and cables were labelled and cut back to eliminate extra unused length. Given the fact that there were over 150 existing cables, we were pretty satisfied with the results but more importantly, we were careful not to disturb their existing set up.

Before Photos - Existing Equipment

After Photos - All DVR's and Cameras Replaced + Cable Management

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